Early Morning Revelation

 Beautiful sunlight streaming through the trees

My dear sweet friend, Roz Turner is a pastor’s wife at Calvary Chapel Villages in Central Florida. She loves Jesus with a deep passion and has a strong calling to minister to His people through counseling and writing. I am honored to share her post, “Early Morning Revelation” with you today.


 Early Morning Revelation


I overcome by Your power -- not by my ideas about power

Iam energized by Your strength-- not according to my concepts of strength

I stand by the faith of the Son of God -- not with my perceptions of faith

Iam sustained by hope in God -- not by my theories about hope

Iam preserved by Your Word -- not through my interpretation of Your Word

My mixer works by electricity, not caring whether or not I understand how it works.  I do my part -- pushing the speed button -- and it does its part -- working electronically. This is easy for me to do. I don’t prepare a cake thinking about how I can help the mixer work.  I just enjoy adding the ingredients and watching them get smooth and creamy.

What am I doing spiritually? Do I really trust my appliances to do their jobs more than I allow myself to trust You, leaning not on my own understanding? (Shriek-Scream!)I do not want to trust anyone or anything more than You.  Why is it so much easier to use appliances and even the car without having to understand what makes them work?

How I long for Your perspective.The limitations and futility of my short-sighted thinking set me up for fruitlessness and disappointment. You delight to give me wisdom and understanding when I ask … well, I’m asking … thankfullybelieving and ready to receive.

Your thoughts and ways accomplish. Fill me, Lord, with Your Holy Spirit so that Your life can find release and expression through mine today.                             


[For my determined purpose is] that I may know You

[that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted

with You,

perceiving, recognizing and understanding the wonders of Your Person

more strongly and more clearly],

and that I may in the same way

come to know the power outflowing from Your resurrection

[which exerts itself over believers],

and that I may so share in Your sufferings

as to be continually transformed

[in spirit into Your likeness even] to Your death,

[in the hope] that if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead

[even while in the body].


 Philippians 3:10-11 AMPLIFIED