Potshots and Bandaids

Tree outside during sunset
Here is another beautiful devotion from my sweet friend, Roz Turner. May you be blessed.
"No more Potshots and Band-Aids! ... I'm tired of them! ... what's REALLY going
on here?" Similar words I'd heard from my husband, Steve more than once when
I was (to him) 'majoring on the minors.' Making a BIG ADO about something that
was a BOLDER to me but only a pebble to him. I felt like he trivialized the monumental
~ while ~ he thought I overstated the obvious! Yes, opposites attract! He's only had to
use the words 'Potshots and Band-Aids' once, but that's all it took. They are profound
words with fallow-ground-plowing results. OUCH!
The Cause?
… Years of being content to lop off bad fruit from our lives without ever getting to the
roots of the tree from which the poison flows. Woman Warrior willing to defend and
protect family, friends and all she held dear ... through painful life experiences ...
became a Wounded Warrior. With little to no understanding and comfort Wounded
Warrior becomes a Restless Rebeller.
As life happens and we are offended, neglected, taken advantage of in many
form, emotionally tromped on, misunderstood, continually 'one-upped,' controlled,
thrown under the bus, taken from, suffering losses, forced to sacrifice, betrayed ...
and all those other painful experiences we've had that no one else can FULLY
comprehend ... we are WOUNDED!!!!!!
No one knows the sorrows of my heart ... but only the soul within me. I just want
SOMEONE on this earth to UNDERSTAND how I feel. I’m beginning to see
that ... when that's the deep longing of my heart ... I’m setting myself up for
painful disappointment. That's God's domain. Roz, take comfort that HE
planted the desire to be understood within me in order to draw me to Yourself ...
the Sovereign Understander, Comforter, Transformer. I’m beginning to get this …

The Effect?

Mourning, Weeping and Wailing from our depths

Deep, Painful Sorrow and Suffering

Paralyzing Offense


Victim Mentality

Cocooning with Self-Pity/Depression/Despair/Hopelessness

Withdrawing, Inward Isolation

Agitating and/or Aggressive Anger

Rebellious Resentment

Burning Bitterness

Salty, Vindictive Sarcasm

Defiant Defense

Contentious, Judgmental Condemnation

Exasperating Emptiness

Terrifying Torment


The Remedy?

REPENTANCE from my unholy reactions and responses

FORGIVENESS to set us both free

ENTRUSTING my life to the Eternal Overseer of my soul

Living the SURRENDERED-Life-to-Jesus daily

LEANING heavily on You, Lord

Confidently COMMITTED to the Shepherd of my life


Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage anger harsh words, and slander, as well as all

types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving

one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."